Routing Manager for Avaya

Posted: August 31, 2012 in TSAPI


This tool use Avaya TSAPI library, it registers itself as call routing server for Avaya VDNs. When there is call comes in, Avaya sends the request to this routing server and asks for routing decision. Currently, the routing server supports the features below:

  • Blocks calls when WHITELIST table is not empty and calling numbers are not defined in the table
  • Blocks calls or route the calls to a default destination when calling numbers are defined in the BLACKLIST table
  • Routes calls based on User Entered Digits which defined in the UED table
  • Routes calls directly to a specific agent based on calling number or called number which is defined in the DAC table, routes calls to agent mailbox when he/she is unavailable
  • Routes calls based on calling number or called number which defined in the MAIN table
  • Routes calls based on Asterisk queue object and value which defined in the AMI table

Wish List

  • Routes calls based on user provided SQL statement and trigger condition

Preparation and Password Encryption

  • The access MDB file stored the the username and password of Avaya AES. For security reason, a tool called encryptpasswd.exe is provided to generate encrypted password for the installation and configuration of the software
  • Execute the program, generate the encrypted password for the user of Avaya AES, then enter the encrypted password for parameter rm_tlink_01. For example, the encrypted password for “p@ssword” is “R3NIw1yJMLlnPFzEQtuh2A==”
  • encryptpasswd

64 bit Windows System 

  • For 64 bit Windows system, please follow the steps below
    •  Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update,
    • Configure ODBC System DSN using
    • Stop the Windows firewall because it enables by default and I don’t have time to figure out what ports are required to open, you need to find it out yourself.


  • Download the TSAPI client for Windows 32-bit from Avaya web site, it contains the run-time library files to access the Avaya AES. You need to register DevConnect before you can access the download page.
  • Download the Avaya Route Manager zip file here.
  • Follow the installation steps below to install the software.
    • Extract all the files into directory c:\program files\routemgr
    • Open Windows Command Prompt, enter the following commands to register the program as Windows Service
      • cd c:\program files\routemgr
      • routemgr -i
    • Open ODBC Setting, create System DSN called ROUTEMGRCFG for Microsoft Access Driver and point to routemgr.mdb which is located in the directory c:\program files\routemgr
    • Open the Access file, assign the TLINK of your AES servers to parameters rm_tlink_01 and rm_tlink_02 which can be found in the tParameter table. E.g.
      • AVAYA#AVAYA_ECS#CSTA#XXXXXX,username,encrypted_password
    • Start the Windows Service routemgr
    • Telnet to localhost and port number 14005, enter username tcpgate and password tcpgate01 to access the program console
    • Enter the following command, you will receive debug information
      • trace on asc
    • You can get help by the following command
      • help
    • You can add vdn and calling number to the WHITELIST table
      • add route whitelist 11100 12345678
      • Hint: VDN 11100 will be monitored and calling number 12345678 will not be blocked
    •  You can add vdn, calling number and route destination to the BLACKLIST table
      • add route blacklist 11100 12345678 ENDCALL 
      • Hint: Blocks the number 12345678 from VDN 11100
    • You can add vdn, user entered digits and route destination to the UED table
      • add route ued 11100 123 22200
      • Hint: Routes call to destination 22200 when user entered 123 digits for VDN 11100
    •  You can add vdn, calling/called number,  agent ID and mailbox to the DAC table
      • add route dac 11100 12345678 68001 3145168001
      • Hint: Routes call for calling/called number 12345678 to available agent 68001 when it reached VDN 11100
      • Hint: The call will be routed to 3145168001 (mailbox) when the agent is unavailable
    •  You can add vdn, calling/called number and route destination to the MAIN table
      • add route main 11100 12345678 22200
      • Hint: Routes call for calling/called number 12345678 to VDN 22200 when the it reached VDN 11100


  • Stop the Window Service routemgr
  • Open Windows Command Prompt, enter the following commands to uninstall the program from Windows Service
    • cd c:\program files\routemgr
    • routemgr -u


  1. Alexander says:

    Does it have REST API methods to manage AMI table records?

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