Archive for the ‘News’ Category

CallAnalytics 2.0.13 Released

Posted: October 5, 2021 in News, TSAPI

CallAnalytics 2.0.13 just released, this version has the following updates.

1. Supports cache call info so asterisk or other external system can query the call info data using UCID even agent call is transferred.
2. VDN call will look up the Extension call info to update the extension, agentid, vdn and split of the call.
3. Supports new function queryagentstates to query agent states collected by CallAnalytics.

DMCCLogger 1.0.8 Released

Posted: October 3, 2021 in DMCC, News

DMCCLogger 1.0.8 just released, this version has the following updates.

1. A new parameter dmcc_switchipinterface is added to enable switch IP interface instead of using default
2. Check the code and reason returned from the API RegisterTerminalRequest.
3. Supports recording restriction by acd, station, vdn and split. A new parameter dmcc_recordingrestriction replaced the dmcc_sscrestriction parameter.
4. Use API GetRegistrationState to check the registration status of extensions and phantoms.

bcmsSVR 2.1.2 Released

Posted: March 18, 2021 in BCMS, News

bcmsSVR 2.1.2 just released, this version has the following updates.

1. Supports Grafana and Prometheus integration by metrics REST API.
2. The bcmsmonitorsystem and bcmsmonitorvdn allow multiple objects that the input object length over 44 characters long.
3. The listtrunk, listhunt and listvdn REST API support filter options for Grafana integration.
4. The bcmsmonitorsystem, bcmsmonitorsplit, bcmsmonitorvdn and statustrunk supports mulitple object format that sent from Grafana.

CallAnalytics 2.0.12 Released

Posted: March 15, 2021 in News, TSAPI

CallAnalytics 2.0.12 just released, this version has the following updates.

1. The userdata in JSON format is special handled for JSON entity or simply string value.
2. Hangup user data is added to the callinfo API.
3. Fixed the segmentation fault which is caused by multiple threads accessing the tsapi event array.

clintSVR 2.0.0 Released

Posted: March 14, 2021 in CMS, News

clintSVR 2.0.0 just released, this version has the following updates.

1. Supports sending data to Kafka.
2. Add HisAgentSummaryInterval and HisTrunkGroupSummaryInterval reports.
3. Can add the hissplitskillsummaryinterval, hisvdninterval, hisagentsummaryinterval and histrunkgroupsummaryinterval reports to clintSVR and run at regular interval to push the data to Splunk and Kafka.
4. Supports Grafana and Prometheus integration via Metrics REST API.
5. The trunkgroupreport with additional information on idle, used and unknownstatus trunk numbers.
6. Supports standard reports with JSON payload.
7. Fixed VDN report that the oldestcallwaiting field did not refresh because the raw data contains invalid characters.
8. Ready the framework to supports RT-Socket custom reports by DLL customization.

AstLogger 1.4.14 Released

Posted: February 15, 2021 in News, TSAPI

AstLogger 1.4.14 just released. The updates are

1. Increase buffer size from 1024 to 4096 for bigger CSTA and Private data events.
2. Fine tune the stream checking to avoid false alarm detection.
3. Change TSAPI event notification method from acsSetESR to acsEventNotify.
4. Update the AstLogger web pages to align with DMCCLogger web pages.
5. Update the t_astcalldata with logger id field and merge the t_astappdata call data fields.
6. Display call end party on the call search web page.

Splunk App CallAnalytics v1.0.1

Posted: January 31, 2021 in BCMS, News

Splunk App CallAnalytics v1.0.1 just released. It supports 

  • Queue Real-time Dashboard
  • VDN Real-time Dashboard
  • Agent Real-time Dashboard
  • Trunk Real-time Dashboard
  • Call Search 
  • Attendance Search 

You can find the new screen dumps as follows:

DMCCLogger 1.0.7 Released

Posted: January 27, 2021 in DMCC, News

DMCCLogger 1.0.7 just released, this version has the following updates.

1. Add linkstatus API to check link status.
2. Writes the logger id to the t_astcalldata table to support centralized database.
3. Fixed a bug that singlestep conference call failed due to change of call id.
4. Fixed a bug that call file is spited for conference call.
5. Migrate PHP mysql to mysqli package.
6. Remove support of IE for call playback, the library SoundManager has removed.
7. Support Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 distribution.

bcmsSVR 2.1.1 Released

Posted: January 27, 2021 in BCMS, News

bcmsSVR 2.1.1 just released, this version has the following updates.

1. Add statushuntgroup REST API, also the data is written to Splunk and Kafka interfaces.
2. Add addhuntgroupmember, deletehuntgroupmember REST API.

AvayaECHI 1.1.16 Released

Posted: January 27, 2021 in CMS, News

AvayaECHI 1.1.16 just released, this version has the following updates:

1. Fixed memory leakage when remote SFTP host is not reachable.
2. Check if the local directory has regular files before opening an upload sftp session.
3. Fixed the event time incorrect issue for Splunk HEC method.
4. Supports Ubuntu 18.04 or version above.